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do you mean the medical condition cold shoulder? If yes have you tried acupuncture. A warm smile....

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Q: What are some remedies for the cold shoulder?
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What are some remedies for common cold relief?

There are a variety of remedies that can be helpful to a person with the cold. Some include over the counter cold medication which can help deal with the symptoms. Others include home remedies such as a salt water gargle and chicken soup.

What are the easiest common cold remedies?

Some easy cold remedies are consuming lots of liquids, taking hot baths, and using a humidifier. Other cold remedies are to get plenty of rest and avoid coffee and alcohol.

What are some natural teething remedies?

There are many natural teething remedies, the first and easiest is ice, your finger, cold fruit, clove oil and cold washcloths.

What is a sentence for the term cold-shoulder?

This is an idiom meaning someone rudely and pointedly ignored you. Here are some sentences.After I accidentally told her secret, she gave me the cold shoulder whenever she saw me.I gave him the cold shoulder when he tried to pick me up at the bar.Wow, you're really giving me the cold shoulder; when are you going to forgive me?

What alternatives to over the counter cold remedies are there?

In addition to the optional use of over the counter cold remedies, there are some self-care steps that people can take to ease their discomfort. These include:

What are some homeopathic remedies for the treatment of the common cold?

Some homeopathic remedies for treatment of the common cold are Aconite, Belladona, Allium Cepa, Dulcamara, Gelsemium, Hepar Sulph, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, and Natrum Mur.

What can heal a cold sore?

Over the counter cold sore creams are the best thing to treat a cold sore with. You can also try some home remedies to help hal the sores. Scroll down and you wll see some remedies.

What are some home remedies for getting rid of cold?

Some of the home remedies for getting rid of cold are: Drink Fluids, Rest, Chicken Soup, Honey, salt, tea, Peppers, Vaporize and Moisturize, Vitamin C and Zinc.

Are there home remedies or exercises for Frozen Shoulder?

Heat pad.

What are some popular homeopathic cold remedies?

Some good natural remedies for the common cold include zinc, vitamin D, Astragalus root, garlic, vitamin C, honey, echinacea, ginseng root, ginger, elderberry and eucalyptus steam.

What are some home remedies for red eyes?

There are a few remedies, but the easiest and most convenient method is the cold compress method. This method consists of a towel rinsed in cold water or ice cubes wrapped in a towel.

What is a cold sholder?

A cold shoulder has several meanings. If someone says someone is giving them the "cold shoulder", they mean that person is being rude, hasty, and cranky towards them. A cold shoulder could also mean that someone has a cold shoulder. Their shoulder is really chilly, and they would like a blanket.