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Hamsters use their paws to push out the food in their pouches. If a hamster can't get something out it would be constantly pushing at its cheek.

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Q: What are some signs my hamster cant get something out of its pouch?
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My hamster has something hanging from her butt it is reddish in color and we tried to remove it but you cant what is it?

It could be something from the inside of her body so you should take it to the vet

How can you milk a hamster?

You cant!

How tall should hamster walls be?

Well, It can be 6 foot tall if you like just make sure that the hamster cant climb out! If you get a cage with bars MAKE SURE that your hamster cant get out. If you get a barred cage also make sure that there is plastic at the top (so your hamster cant get out) Have a great time with your hamster

What kind of hamster is a good one for older children?

i cant remember but its not included a rodent because of something in its cells people say its the best one to get sorry i cant remember

Can you give your hamster earthworms to eat?

no u cant cause it will scare the hamster

Can you swallow snus?

yes you can,but you cant eat the pouch itself

Can you Make hamster have babies?

No. You cant make a hamster have babies because it must have a male hamster with a girl hamster and the male hamster might not get the girl pregnant so just roll with it.

What should you do with a hamster that cannot walk?

the best thing is to put it down. a hamster that cant walk will never be happy.

Can two hamster girls have a baby?

yes they can and i cant explain why

Can a hamster be taught to distinguish color?

i would say no they cant do that

Can dwarf hamster eat chocolate?

no they cant they will die and choke

Can you put fathers babies in with the dad hamster?

no you cant put the baby's in with the dad.Well you cant touch them or he will eat them