

What are some sport analogy?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What are some sport analogy?
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The analogy is asking to compare tennis to a court. To figure out the analogy, we must first figure out the relationship between tennis and court. Tennis is a sport played on a court. Boxing is a sport/activity done inside a boxing ring. The correct ending to the analogy would be ring. Tennis is to court as boxing is to ring. Tennis is played on a court. Boxing is done in a ring.

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An analogy is a comparison between two things that are alike or similar in some way. An analogy for quiet is "as quiet as a mouse" since mice are generally very quiet creatures.

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How do you say du sport in English?

It would be the same as some sport or some exercise.

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It is called an analogy

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similarity, likeness, resemblance, correlation, equivalence, parallel