

What are some symptoms of dreaded alzheimers disease?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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There are a few major signs of Alzheimer disease, you should seek help if you are experiencing them. some of them include dissorentation, memory loss, forgetting normal things.

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Q: What are some symptoms of dreaded alzheimers disease?
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What is some alzheimers treatment?

There is currently no treatment to cure alzheimers. There are drugs that may help with a few of the symptoms but won't cure it.

Where are some places that I may locate information on alzheimers disease?

You can find information on alzheimers disease from your local library, the internet and various support groups. It is best to start with the hospital they will have a wealth of information.

Is alzheimers a mental illness?

Alzheimer's is a form of dementia seen in the elderly. This is a progressive, terminal disorder that results in a range of symptoms most notably memory loss. However, as the illness progresses other cognitive (mental) functions also become affected. In some cases, patients with Alzheimers develop psychotic symptoms (such as paranoia or hallucinations). However, not all patients do. Therefore, Alzheimers is a form of dementia, not psychosis. However, in some cases patients may present with some psychotic symptoms.

What are some of the treatments of alzheimers disease?

Unfortunately, there really aren't that many options. There are a couple drugs that can help impede some of the symptoms, but they general have some horrible side effects of their own. Fear not though. Science is opening new doors everyday, and Alzheimer's has to be somewhere on that list.

How can you tell if your family member has Alzheimers Disease?

Your doctor is the only one who can tell for sure whether your family member has Alzheimer's disease. However, some symptoms are memory loss, inability to solve math problems, becoming lost easily or have trouble finding the right words that communicate what they want.

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Relapse is the medical term meaning the return of symptoms of disease. For instance, some people with multiple sclerosis have a relapsing/remitting pattern of disease, with periods of symptoms interspersed with periods of no symptoms.

Where can I find some more information on alzheimers?

alzheimers is a chronic disease in mainly elder men, though females can get it too. So many sites to choose from but here is a specialized site to start off:

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What are some heart disease symptoms?

Symptoms of heart disease can be different for men and for women. This site offers symptoms to look for in women

What are some examples of neurological diseases?

There are a number of examples of neurological diseases. Some of those examples include Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons, and multiple sclerosis, as well as palsy.