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I am actually doing my senior research paper on Truman Capote and his works, and I have found a few themes throughout his writing. Most of his themes seem to relate to the way he actually lived his own life, in which he was a homosexual, and a drug and alcohol user. Many times in his books you will see men paired up, not necessarily as a romantic couple, but partners in some way. For example, in "In Cold Blood" Dick and Perry are paired up, as are Mr. Schaeffer and Tico Feo in his short story "A Diamond Guitar." Many of his characters in the stories are either drug or alcohol users also. Those were just a few of the themes I found. I am actually doing my senior research paper on Truman Capote and his works, and I have found a few themes throughout his writing. Most of his themes seem to relate to the way he actually lived his own life, in which he was a homosexual, and a drug and alcohol user. Many times in his books you will see men paired up, not necessarily as a romantic couple, but partners in some way. For example, in "In Cold Blood" Dick and Perry are paired up, as are Mr. Schaeffer and Tico Feo in his short story "A Diamond Guitar." Many of his characters in the stories are either drug or alcohol users also. Those were just a few of the themes I found. I am actually doing my senior research paper on Truman Capote and his works, and I have found a few themes throughout his writing. Most of his themes seem to relate to the way he actually lived his own life, in which he was a homosexual, and a drug and alcohol user. Many times in his books you will see men paired up, not necessarily as a romantic couple, but partners in some way. For example, in "In Cold Blood" Dick and Perry are paired up, as are Mr. Schaeffer and Tico Feo in his short story "A Diamond Guitar." Many of his characters in the stories are either drug or alcohol users also. Those were just a few of the themes I found.

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Q: What are some themes that Truman Capote wrote about?
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