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Hire more school security, use metal detectors, have a zero tolerance policy for fighting.

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Q: What are some things that people can do to stop school violence?
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What are some things that are considered as gang violence?

Some gang violence could be that they try to shoot peope, cut their throats and other worse things.

Does iPod playing after school affect school grades?

Not really, but to some people they play bad games on the I pod and then do bad things in school.

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The exact same things cause all violence. The object used to commit the violent act is immaterial. Violence is caused by people who refuse to obey the rules of society. Why they refuse can be biological, sociological or chemical or anything a lawer can think of.

Why is the The Columbine high school massacre important?

It's an important part of American history. There has been tons of research done on school violence for a few reasons: to understand it and to prevent it. There's always that quote that circulates around---"history repeats itself"---and some people believe that students are taught history in classes so that they don't repeat the bad events (violence, wars, school violence, the Holocaust, etc.).

What are some posiitves for wearing a school uniform?

you want have to worry about what you are going to where to school you want have a clothing war you will have less violence

What are some fun things to do while your high at school?

take the mick out of people and do YO MAMA joks

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no becase some people are not holy but they still go to a holy school but they dtill laren about holy things in school

What effect does the violence in video games?

Some people believe violence in video games can influence children to become violent also, creating a bad influence for future life. It can also get teenagers to think it's okay to behave badly in and outside of school.

How violence affects your lives?

it can hurt emotionly (to some people) and physicaly

How were the suffragettes viewed by the public?

some of the public thought that the violence they used was justified for their cause but some people thought that the violence was the wrong way to go to get what they wanted.

What were some reasons for violence in 1960's?

Some of the reasons for violence in the 1960s were racial protests, protests against the Vietnamese war, protests against unfair treatment and policies at universities and general unrest over cultural mores the young people did not like. Some of the violence was incited by police who overreacted to the people in the protest crowds. Some of the violence was revenge violence, Klu Klux Klan type of violence towards the blacks. There was also unrest by the Mexican farm workers. It was not as violent but it was a big "fuss".

What do people blame on video games?

Because some people don't like video games so they don't want us to either, they blame a lot of things on video games. Here's a list: # violence in teenagers # more bad language # poor test scores # short attention spans Improv: As stupid it may be some people "idolise" game characters, so people want to be like them, if they have violence in the game, they copy. Same things goes if drugs are involved with a game, someone may even copy them with that.