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Q: What are some traits of Salem from the London Eye Mystery?
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What are some examples of Mystery?

The London Burial Grounds" by Mrs Basil Holmes -found in wikipedia

What are some examples of mystery plays?

The London Burial Grounds" by Mrs Basil Holmes -found in wikipedia

Are the princes in the Tower of London still seen as ghosts?

Some people think they see the ghosts of the two princes but it remains a mystery.

What qualities or traits proved most beneficial in Edgar Allan Poe's life?

Some of the most beneficial qualities or traits in Edgar Allan Poe's life were his creativity, imagination, and attention to detail. These traits helped him become a pioneer of the mystery and horror genres in literature and made his work influential in shaping the development of American literature.

How are some traits are inherited?

There are some traits that are inherited from the family. Some of the traits that are inherited are eyes,hair color and blood.

Why are some traits not inherited?

Some of these traits are recessive and are not actually seen but are there.

How do you get traits?

traits are in your genes. some are hereditary

What are some yorkshire pig traits?

A Yorkshire pig has a few traits. Some of the traits are slim, pig and big.

What were some of the entertainments forbidden by the Puritans in 1692 Salem?

dancing, reading novels, and theater was not allowed in Salem

What are some traits affected by?

some traits are affected by the enviornment, mutations, and your DNA.

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