

What are some treatment options for mesothelioma?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Treatment options depend on the type of diagnosis the patient received. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are performed on the patient if doctors believe the cancer can be taken out of the patient. Alternative treatments are also emerging and evolving as research improves. Among these treatments is immunotherapy, when the patient's own cells are taken from the body, altered, and then returned to the body to fight the cancer.

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Q: What are some treatment options for mesothelioma?
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There are serveral options mesothelioma treatment a doctor should be consulted each situation is different.

What are some mesothelioma treatment options?

There are quite a few options for treating mesothelioma. Some of the most common are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and multimodal. Some treatments currently under experimentation are immunotherapy, gene therapy, and photodynamic therapy.

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A few treatment options for Mesothelioma include radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. This is not to mention the holistic remedies. It depends on which side effects the patient is willing to live with.

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As with most cancers chemotherapy is the most likely treatment.

Is chemotherapy used for the treatment of mesothelioma?

Yes, chemotherapy is often used for the treatment of mesothelioma

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Most insurance copanies will cover mesothelioma treatment

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Adjuvant chemotherapy is an effective treatment for mesothelioma cancer.

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Unfortunately, the only current ways to combat Mesothelioma are heavy doses of Chemotherapy and medication. Depending on how advanced the cancer is, the treatment options vary.However, there are many ongoing clinical studies that are making strides everyday to combat Mesothelioma and it's symptoms. For up to the date information on these studies as well as other Mesothelioma and asbestos information, check out Treatments for Mesothelioma Research into new and more effective treatments for mesothelioma is ongoing. There is no cure as yet for mesothelioma. The standard treatments that attempt to hold back the progression of this cancer are: * Surgery - to remove part of all of the affected body tissues * Radiation therapy - to target and kill the mesothelioma cells * Chemotherapy - the use of drugs, injected or taken orally, to kill or stop the growth of the cancer cells

What are some commonly used treatments of mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma has a few different options for treatment. The patient can choose to undergo surgery, which is the removal of the tumors. Surgery is usually paired with chemotherapy for best results. Radiation therapy is used to shrink tumors, and is usually paired with the other treatments. The most common treatment is referred to as multimodal, which is just a mixture of the other treatments.

What is the treatment for mesothelioma?

The treatment program for mesothelioma depends on many factors ,the stage of the cancer, where the cancer is, how far the cancer has spread, and the patients age.

What are some of the treatments for mesothelioma cancer?

Some treatment options are Surgery , Radiation, Chemotherapy , Immunotherapy and or Heated Intraoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. Stage I or II Mesothelioma is treated by using conventional therapies in combination with radiation and or chemotherapy. This results in an average of 74.6 percent success rate in extending the patient's life span by five years or more.

What is the best treatment for Mesothelioma My grandfather was just diagnosed.?

The best treatment is going to be the one that is designed to treat the location of the cancer, the type and stage of cancer and how he responds to treatment. There are 3 basic options for treatment, surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. I suggest you go to or to learn more from reputable medical sources and then talk to his doctor.