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There really are no schools which are specifically tailored to ultra sound technicians. You can go to any major university in your area and get this degree type.

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Q: What are some ultrasound schools in Texas?
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What are some good ultrasound schools?

Some of the top schools for Ultrasound Technician Course are, Newman University in Wichita, KS, University of Oklahoma in Norman, and Seattle University in WA

Where do i find online ultrasound schools?

There are not many schools that offer online ultrasound schools. However, many of the ultrasound schools offer night and weekend schedules so it is pretty convient to work schedules.

Where can I get trained on the use of ultrasound equipment?

There are several schools where you can become trained to become an ultrasound technician. Some of the best schools that offer this degree are Newman University in Kansas, the University of Oklahoma and Seattle University.

Where do I find very good ultrasound technician schools?

An ultrasound technician is a specialized field and you can find schools that will assist you in training for this career. I would look to see what schools were in my area.

What are some good college preparatory schools in Dallas, Texas?

College preparatory schools in Dallas, Texas can be found at They offer a list of schools, maps to the schools and websites to the schools if they are available.

Where can I get a degree in Ultrasound online?

There are many online programs that will allow you to get a degree in ultrasound. Do some research and see which programs are the best fit for you. Be sure to look for accredited schools.

Are there schools to become an ultrasound technician in the Houston, TX area?

Yes there are school for ultrasound technicians in the Houston area. It is a quickly growing field of stusy. For a list of schools and information visit

Where can I take some ultrasound technician classes?

Ultrasound technician training can be done through a variety of venues. Technical institutes, such as ITT tech, as well as medical schools and institutions, or online.

Where can I get a good ultrasound school?

I believe there are many ultrasound schools in Illinois that provide good training. You can go to the local government and ask their information department for the list of schools.

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Texas Womens University

What is the tuition for Ultrasound Technician Schools?

The tuition for Ultrasound Technician Schools varies a great deal. It depends on the road you wish to travel in order to become an Ultrasound Technician. A ballpark estimate on tuition can run you from $4000.00 for a certification to $30000.00 for a degree.

Are there any ghosts in Laredo Texas schools?

yes some schools because they are so old and some students died or something