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Clorox is the leading brand of bleach in the United States and a powerful cleaner. The pen is designed to aid quick stain removal of anything that gets on your clothing, but especially food.

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Q: What are some uses for a Clorox bleach pen?
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What is a baby pen called?

a baby pen

What elements makes up a pens?

Pens can be made out of lots of materials, The earliest were made by dipping a reed or feather in a pigment or ink. Later metal tips were used to make ink pens. The case can be made out of natural or man made materials. Disposable pens are made of inexpensive plastics

How much water is required for five people in a natural disaster?

We live on the Texas Gulf coast and have gone through several hurricanes over the last 50 years. Some were direct hits, while others were near misses, but resulted in failure of electrical power and the municipal water system. The local disaster preparedness folks recommendation for potable [drinkable] water is ONE gallon per person per day, with a stockpile for a minimum of three days [which from personal experience is not enough]. Based on your question, and that recommendation, the MINIMUM recommended amount of drinking water for 5 people would be 5 gallons for one day, and 15 gallons for three days. Our experience has revealed that this recommendation is an absolute minimum for drinking, tooth brushing, and food preparation only. For cooking, dishwashing, personal hygene, etc., we suggest an additional 5 gallons per person per day, BUT it does not have to be potable water, just tap water stored in bathtubs, lavatories, and containers of all types, including gallon milk jugs, unused plastic gas cans, etc. We buy "drinking water" in 2-1/2 gallon plastic containers at the local supermarket, BUT we do NOT wait until the storm begins to develop as all stores run out of bottled water within an hour of the news media announcements. We "stock up" about a dozen 2-1/2 gallon containers, dating each with a felt-tip pen, and storing them in the pantry. Then to guarantee freshness, we use those in the order of oldest first by always keeping one in the refrigerator and using daily for all drinking uses instead of tap water. Then each time we go shopping, we replace used containers. The empty containers are stored for later use for non-potable water. When conditiions indicate imminent hurricane arrival, we then fill the bathtubs and lavatories, and the plastic containers with tap water for non-potable use. When the local municipal water system is not working, toilets can be flushed with about 3 to 4 gallons of the non-potable water poured rapidly into the toilet bowl. And to be totally prepared in the event that we should run out of potable water, we always keep a couple of gallons of unsented Clorox bleach on hand. It can be used for a lot of disinfection uses as well as water purification. Following are the instructins I obtained from the Clorox 800 number regarding the use of unscented Clorox for making water safe to drink. Of course you can also just boil water for at least 5 minutes to make it safe to drink. EMERGENCY DISINFECTION OF DRINKING WATER with Clorox Before Clorox treating, or boiling of water, you should filter out as much as possible of any suspended materials. Use coffee filters if you have them, but several layers of an old "T" shirt will do just as well. Once filtered, treat [disinfect] the water as follows: 1. Use ¼ teaspoon Clorox bleach [PLAIN / UNSCENTED] per gallon of water, and allow to stand for 30 minutes. 2. Smell for a faint odor of remaining chlorine. IF odor is present, water is safe to drink. If NOT… 3. Add ANOTHER ¼ teaspoon of Clorox bleach, and allow to stand an ADDITIONAL 20 minutes. 4. IF after the 2nd treatment, there is still NO ODOR of chlorine, then the water is TOO BADLY contaminated to safely treat and drink.

How do you get ball point pen ink out of a cream leather jacket?

Ink can be removed with cheap hair spray or alcohol. Saturate the spot well and rub it out. Repeat until it comes out. If the shirt is white, you can use a bleach pen too. I once had an entire pen bust in my pocket. My teacher told me out Murphy's oil soap on it wipe off and then put clothes in washer with Murphys, worked like a charm.

Do pen inks soluble in alcohol?

For the ballpoint pen stains I recommend acetone.

Related questions

How do you remove a chocolate stain from a shirt?

If its a white shirt, bleach it. If it a colored shirt, use Clorox. If its a small stain, use a Clorox magic pen. If none work, buy a new one. OR>>>>>>>>>>OXYCLEAN If it is a white you just bleach it and scrub it. And for colors just scrub it by hand and use stain removers and color safe bleach.

Will bleach pen cure toenail fungus?

There are some companies the offers remedies for toenail fungus using bleach. When you try to research it, some company made products uses bleach as a ingredient on their product. So when you think about it there is a relevance when you use bleach in curing toenail fungus.

What chemical is in pen ink?

bleach and ammonia

How to get antipersperant out of cloths?

you can use a Clorox pen on white clothes if your deoderant is blue. or use oxyclean

Why do your hands smell like bleach?

your hands smell like bleach if you put inciradicator pen on them

Who is the creator of bleach?

The creator of Bleach is Noriaki Kubo. Better known by his pen name, Tite Kubo.

Why is using a pen differ from writing with a pencil?

A pen uses ink while a pencil uses lead.

What does a clorex pen do for you?

Clorex is a type of bleach and the pen is designed so that you can apply a small amount of bleach to items in your laundry. This benefits you by bleaching only the area you want instead of the whole item and saving on costs.

Who uses a pen?


What are the uses of lines?

technical PEN.

What are the uses of light pen?

The light pen is used to draw objects on a CRT computer screen. They are also used to display objects over computer devices.

What can you use to get a food stain out of a white top?

Try bleach, or a Tide pen, or Oxi-Clean