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Make him feel appreciated. Tel him how much you appreciate all the hard work he is doing to provide for you. Also, try to surprise him with something special every once and a while, such as a special dinner or maybe just watching television together.

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You can offer emotional support by actively listening to him, encouraging him to take breaks and practice self-care, and help him find healthy ways to manage stress such as exercise or relaxation techniques. Additionally, encourage open communication and problem-solving to address work-related issues that may be contributing to his stress.

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Q: What are some ways I can help my husband cope with his stress caused by work?
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One medical intervention to help cope with stress is antidepressants. Antidepressants correct chemical imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain which cause changes in mood and behavior. This helps reduce stress on the body. Another intervention that can help reduce stress is acupuncture. Acupuncture blocks the production of a hormone, hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) that is known to cause stress in the body.

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Keeping an open mind and looking on the positive side can definitely help you cope with stress. It can make even the hardest issues seem a little bit better.

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When people are unhappy, they tense up. Sometimes physical therapy can help relax a person and they are better able to cope with their problems or deal with stress.

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Most of the people are under constant stress which could have a serious negative effects on their life. Stress can affect our mind and body resulting in a wide range of health problems so it is important to know how to cope with it. There are several stress relief techniques that will help you get rid of stress instantly and will help to improve the quality of your life. Some of those techniques are probably already some of your regular daily activities and it is quite possible that you are already unknowingly reducing stress.Some stress relief techniues* Exercise * Controlled breathing * Humor * Massage * Meditation * Yoga * Proper nutrition

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It makes them feel better if offered something they like or enjoy, so being generous shows that someone truly does care about them.

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Keep her busy, thing to do, places to go, invite her for dinner and let help with the prep, any help you can provide will be a big help in the long run although it my not seem like it at the time.

Is nightmare disorder curable?

(not medical advice) Nightmare disorder may be caused by stress or medication side effects, and you can treat it with therapy, yoga, and meditation to help with stress

When it comes to stress what can I person do at home to cope with it?

Start by identifying the source of your stress. Having a stress journal can help you identify the stressors in your life and the way you deal with them. Learn to avoid unnecessary stress. If you can't avoid stress, alter it. If you can't change the stressor, change yourself. Accept the things you can't change and make time for fun and time to relax.

How do you help your body cope with stress?

You take care of your basic biology--drink enough water, eat balanced meals and put in at least 8 hours of sack time.

Can't Cope Please Help?

if u cant cope just get rid of them

What is the advantage of discussion?

Discussion with a person, who has knowledge, experience and patience would help you manage your stress, caused by a variety of stressors .