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  • attitudes to traditional socializing elements may change, for example approaches to parenting
  • mass media may provide opportunities to to explore and develop local art forms [music, dance, film]
  • Some aspects of traditional culture may be lost. Negative values of western countries may change the values of the youth
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Q: What are some ways in which the global media may influence the lifestyle of Caribbean citizens?
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What is Suriname's global address?

To the southeast of the Caribbean Sea and the United States of America, to the east of Guyana, to the north of Brazil, to the west of French Guiana and to the southwest of the Atlantic Ocean is Suriname's global address.Specifically, a global address refers to a country's location within the world in terms of land and water bodies. Suriname is located on the northern tip of South America. Its northern borders front the Atlantic Ocean. It is close enough to the Caribbean Sea that it is considered a trading partner of Caribbean island nations and a member of Caribbean regional organizations such as the Caribbean Community and Common Market called CARICOM.

The US had the most global influence during the century?

The US grew greatly in global influence in the 19th century and became a superpower in the 20th century. The US is still a superpower in the 21st century.

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Closer to the equator you are, the hotter it'll be.

What is oneeffect?

One of the leading global events and lifestyle companies. Working within the elite and luxury sector.

Effects of global warming on the Caribbean?

More recent hurricanes Warmer day change in rainfall patterns