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Q: What are some ways people make money off other peoples debt?
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Related questions

What advice does Citizens Advice give on debt?

Citizens' Advice is a charity which provides free counseling for people with issues related to debt, money management, and a plethora of other topics. They assist people with proper money management, among other things.

Who are people who owe money called?

The presence of owing money is referred to as being 'in debt'. A person who is in debt is a debtor.

How does a country in debt make people poor?

It takes their money in order to get out of debt.

What is consumer dept?

Consumer debt is the debt (money owed) by people as opposed to the debt of institutions, governments or businesses

What is debt market in Bangladesh?

the debt market is loads of money regarding 2000000 million and people in Bangladesh don't get the money off other people in the UK because their government take it off them so they cant pay the debt, live or drink and even become homeless on the dirty muddy streets of Bangladesh.

How does cafod deal with debt?

cafod runs a charity to raise money and help people in debt

What do people buy with the money from the third world debt?


How do you make a debt on doodle god?

Bank + Money = Debt Money+ House = Bank Gold + Paper= Money

Causes of external debt?

Debt is often a nasty four letter word for the people that are facing it. The causes of external debt can include war, rebuilding efforts, and any other reason that a country would need to borrow money from another country.

Where in life do WE use negative numbers?

When people are in debt! You can owe people so much money that you actually have a negative amount of money.

What are some examples of debt financing?

Bank loans are an example of debt financing. They are debt, because they are money loaned to people or companies by banks. Bonds are also examples of debt financing.

What is a debt service?

Debt service refers to payment of money owed to a bank or other institution. Debt service may be done all at once or in stages.