

What are some ways to get long hair fast?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Anti dandruff shampoo works really well. Even if you dont have dandruff it will help prevent it :)

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Q: What are some ways to get long hair fast?
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Sleep enough,eat more carrots,salmon and beans,trim the split ends of your hair and you will see results.

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you can put your hair to the side or put it in a bun. It would be cute if you let it down you know show how much hair you got .and if you do have short hair you can put your hair in a pony tail.

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Some legitimate way to make emergency money fast are: returning past purchases, collecting change, and selling stuff on craigslist. Other ways to make emergency money fast include selling plasma, hair and breast milk. You can donate plasma up to 2 times per week and earn up to $35 per donation. To donate hair, it must be at least 10 inches long and uncolored.

Easy ways to make your hair grow fast?

mane and tail shampoo.

What are some of the ways to do permanent hair straightening?

There are many ways to do permanent hair straightening. Some of the ways to do permanent hair straightening includes using the EasyStraight hair system, using the KertatinPerfect hair system, and undergoing salon treatments.

How could hair grow fast?

For hair to grow fast is a difficult situation...It is different for many people. Some ways that might help you would be to wash your hair only 2-3 times per week. If you shampoo or condition your hair every single day it is unhealthy. It may cause your hair to become dry, cause split ends or make your hair greasy and or oily. So remember, 2-3 times a week would be a good solution to long and healthy hair.

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How can one grow hair extremely faster?

Apart from the option of wearing a wig or using hair extensions, there are no known scientific ways of growing ones hair extremely fast. There are, however, ways of stimulating the hair growth by massaging the scalp and maintaining a healthy diet.

What are some ways to prevent hair loss?

Some ways you can prevent hair loss is to take care of your hair, wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo and control your stress. Also, eat nutritionally and consider taking supplements.

How do you have your hair for prom?

There are many ways a girl can style their hair for prom. Some ways are loose and wavy, up in a bun, or curled.

Why does your hair get so greasy so fast?

Hormonal changes and increased humidity can cause greasy hair. Oils are naturally released in the scalp but there are ways to prevent it.

What are the best ways to grow facial hair fast and cheap?

sweet cream and coconut oil and vegie oil