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Only God/Christ can save a person. What we can do first is to live a life that is honering to God. We can tell a person that God loves them and that they can have salvation if they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We can show them scriptures to that effect. We can share our testamony with them, telling them of what God has done for us since we received salvation. We can if nothing else pray for that person, and if the person is serious about accepting jesus as their personal Savior we can lead them in a prayer of salvation. We can be a help to our neighbor. Who is our neighbor? anyone we come in contact with. We can invite people to our church that they may hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Some ways to continue Christ's work of salvation include spreading the Gospel message, serving others in need, showing love and compassion to all people, and living a life of faith and discipleship. Additionally, participating in acts of worship, prayer, and community outreach can help further Christ's work of salvation on earth.

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What did Zacharias say that John would do?

John would be filled with the Holy Spirit and would prepare the way of Jesus.

What effects did the religion the great awakening have on the british colonies?

The Great Awakening led to increased religious fervor, emotional religious experiences, and a focus on personal salvation in the British colonies. It also encouraged the spread of new religious denominations and challenged established religious authorities. Additionally, the Great Awakening contributed to the growth of democratic ideals and promoted a sense of independence from traditional sources of authority.

What are some ways we can study the behaviors and beliefs of people different from ourselves?

Some ways to study the behaviors and beliefs of people different from ourselves include conducting surveys and interviews, participating in cultural exchange programs, reading ethnographies and scholarly articles, and engaging in active listening and observation during interactions with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

What three ways is Luke's first letter connected with his second?

Both letters are addressed to an individual named Theophilus, indicating a continuation of the narrative or teachings from the Gospel of Luke. The themes of salvation, faith, and persistence in spreading the Gospel are prominent in both letters. The authorship of both letters is attributed to Luke, suggesting a unity of purpose and message in conveying the teachings of Christianity.

How have the practices changed over time for the indigenous religions?

Indigenous religions have evolved over time due to factors like colonization, globalization, and cultural exchange. Some practices have been adapted to fit changing circumstances while maintaining core beliefs and traditions. Indigenous communities continue to find ways to preserve and revitalize their spiritual practices in the face of external influences.

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