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Some of the best known brands on the market today for portfolio management software include: Basecamp, Genius Project, Microsoft Project, OneDesk, and PlanBox.

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Q: What are some well known brands of project portfolio management software?
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Maximizing Project Management Software?

For team leaders in almost any industry, project management software has become a great organizational tool for keeping track of all the pieces that go into completing a project efficiently and on time. There are many different choices available to the end user of this product, all quite capable of providing the basics of a project schedule. As with all software, however, some applications provide more options than others and some work better for different industries than others. Construction project management is a good example of an industry that has very detailed and specific needs when it comes to project management. Project managers in this industry typically use the critical path method for their projects where they have various key points that can affect the outcome of the time line in a ’critical’ way, i.e. the title of critical path. They may need to schedule work crews made of groups of employees as well as subcontractors and material deliveries and inspections. The more versatile their software is in both the input and reporting functions, the more effective it will be in accomplishing their needs. On the other end of the spectrum you may have an office manager who simply wants to map out personal or company projects like the company picnic or a grand opening. Project management software is an excellent tool for this type of manager as well, but obviously these types of applications will not require near the amount of complexity as the construction model. Determining exactly what you want the software to accomplish for you is always the first step. The next is to compare the functions of the various products, find out what brands others in your industry are using and recommending and then compare these points along side of both purchase price and the cost of ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs. Last, but not least, don’t skip the training. Project management software of all types have great capabilities, but you will not get the full benefit if you aren’t properly trained.