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Q: What are some words that are spelled the same backwards and frontwards?
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What are 3 words that are exactly the same spelled frontwards and backwards?

These words are called palindromes, like bob, nun, eve, sis .

What is another word for father spelled the same frontwards and backwards?

Dad Pop Abba

What are words that are spelled the same frontwards and backwards called?

There are called "palindromes". Here is an example of one in a phrase: "A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama"

What are words spelled the same backwords and frontwords?

Palindromes are words that are the same spelled backwards. There are also sentences and math formulas that have the same quality of being the same backwards and forwards. Words: RACECAR, EYE, NUN, ROTOR A famous sentence: Able was I ere I saw Elba

What are numbers that are the same frontwards and backwards called?


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What is it called when a word is the same frontwards and backwards?

A word that is the same spelled backwards and forwards is called a palindrome.

What is a word that is one word spelled frontwards and a different one spelled backwards Example embargo ograbme?

There is no distinct term for these words (e.g. rats=star, leer=reel). When the reverse spelling is the same as the forward spelling, the word is a "palindrome" or mirror word.

What street in philadelphia has the same spelling frontwards and backwards?

Camac street

What words are spelled the same backwards as they are forward?
