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Q: What are some words using the Latin root liber?
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What is the meaning the of root word liber?

Liber is a Latin word meaning 'free' or 'unrestrained'; it can be found in English words such as liberty, liberate, and Libertarian.

What words have the root 'Liber'?

Liberate, Liberia.

What does the root word libr mean?

The root word libra comes from the latin language and means BALANCE.

What is the root of liberty?

Liber is the root word

What is the root word of liberty?

The root word of liberty is "liber," which is of Latin origin and means "free."

What is the meaning of the root word lib?

Liber is a Latin word meaning 'free' or 'unrestrained'; it can be found in English words such as liberty, liberate, and Libertarian.

What is the latin root word library mean?


What are some words with the Latin root civis?

Words with the Latin root "civis" include civilization, civic, civilian, and civility.

What is the definition of the latin root cred?

The Latin root "cred" means "believe" or "trust." It is commonly found in words related to belief, trustworthiness, and credibility. For example, words like credit, credibility, and incredulous contain this root.

What are words with the latin root word habere?

Some words with the Latin root word "habere" include habit, inhabit, exhibit, and prohibit. The root "habere" means "to have" or "to hold."

What words have the Latin root arbiter in them?

Some words with the Latin root "arbiter" include "arbitration," "arbitrary," and "arbiter." These words all stem from the Latin word "arbiter," meaning "witness" or "judge."

What words have the root stratos?

There is no root stratos. The root is strat-. The words stratosphere and stratospheric have the Latin root strat- and the Greek word sphere. the o is inserted for euphony (Latin stratus, spreading out)