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Basically all that he does!

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Q: What are somethings that sponge bob does that sea creatures can't do in real life under water?
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What do people think sponge bob is?

a sponge that lives under water

Where does a Marine Sponge live?

Marine means water and a sponge is one of those odd little creatures you never see. The marine sponge lives in most seas.

Where does asbestopluma sponge live?

under water

Which sea creatures swims by squirting out water througha tube?

A sponge swims by squirting water out through a tube

Where do you find the collar cells?

In a sponge under water.

All the under water sea creatures?

If you mean, "are all under water creatures, sea creatures?" then no. The term SEA is for the ocean and there also can be creatures in freshwater. Also some creatures that live in water such as some snakes and sea turtles come out of the water every so often, so they are no total sea/water creatures. Fish are underwater creatures though.

What is the exact body temperature of a sponge?

A sponge doesn't have a body temperature, because a sponge doesn't have a body. But how warm or cold you put the sponge under water or any liquid is the temperature of the sponge.

Are dolphins the smartest creatures under water?


Why do you see bubbles when you put a bath sponge into water?

Do bubbles escape when you squeeze a sponge under water air

How do sea creatures interact under water?

if only I am a girl

What is the name for the career that studies under water creatures?

Marine Biologist

How does water enter the body of a sponge?

When a sponge is submerged in water, the water enters the sponge through the tiny holes in the sponge. The sponge fills up with water, as a balloon fills with air, only not as visibly. When you squeeze the sponge, the water exits that sponge through the tiny holes...exactly the opposite of how it entered! Tada! :)