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Q: What are sources of entrepreneurial opportunities?
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Entrepreneurial organization promotes entrepreneurial activity adapting structure, management, and processes accordingly in order to gain the required agility, speed, creativity and drive to act profitably upon specific opportunities. Entrepreneurial organization is any organization that meets these two criteria: It is structured so that its members are given the information and tools necessary to allow each to pursue solutions and take advantage of opportunities at their level, based on the stated objectives of the organization. An atmosphere exists that encourages individual initiative, and mistakes and failures that occur in the process of taking initiative are actually viewed as progress in the personal and organizational quest for excellence.

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•Do I readily identify opportunities which offer new business or improve my present business

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When was Yale Entrepreneurial Society created?

Yale Entrepreneurial Society was created in 1999.

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Entrepreneurial Management Center was created in 1986.

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What is the motto of Entrepreneurial Management Center?

Entrepreneurial Management Center's motto is 'Fuel for Entrepreneurs'.

What are the service types of entrepreneurial activity?

Entrepreneurial activity is a purpose the development of a related indicators .

What are you look for in terms of culture structured or entrepreneurial?

entrepreneurial, because life is a business itself.

What are you look for in terms of culture--structured or entrepreneurial?

entrepreneurial, because life is a business itself.