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I think it means a learning difficulty that has a name; for instance: dyslexia.

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Q: What are special learning difficulties?
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Do most people with autism have learning difficulties?

No, most autistic people do not have learning difficulties. Although learning difficulties are common with autism, especially in childhood, it's not true for all.

What are politically correct terms for learning disabilities?

Learning difficulties - this is the term used within the self advocacy movement by people with learning difficulties themselves.

Are learning toys generally available in toy shops?

Learning Express specialize in selling educational and learning toys for children. The toys are suitable for children who suffer from special needs and learning difficulties. ELC is another popular retailer with a wide range of toys.

Why do you have difficultly learning?

Learning difficulties are caused by problems in brain function. When special brain tests are done, it can be shown that people with learning difficulties use different parts of their brain for reading and working things out in comparison to other people.Learning difficulties are usually picked up fairly early at school, when a child is not doing as well with learning to read, write or do maths as expected. For example, the child might be good at talking about topics, but not at writing about them.Having a learning problem is not just a problem of childhood. If a child has a learning problem, that person will still have difficulties when he or she is an adult. The difficulty does not go away, but the person learns ways of coping

Can animals have learning difficulties?


Why do people insult people on wikianswers when people do have learning difficulties?

Some people are just jerks.I fail to see what "learning difficulties" has to do with anything. Is it okay to insult people who don't have learning difficulties? Do we need to verify this first? "Excuse me, do you have a learning difficulty? You do? Oh, sorry, carry on then, I was going to call you a twit, but now I can't."

How would you communicate with someone has learning difficulties?

With patience.

Does Barry Gibb's daughter Ali have learning difficulties?


Can people with learning difficulties drive?

Yes, people with learning difficulties can drive - obviously it depends on the difficulties.For example I have ADHD - this causes problems with focus, reading, and executive dysfunction - I can learn to drive easily, and my issues with focus don't impact on my driving. A person with more severe learning difficulties however may struggle to learn to drive due to problems learning new information in general. Everyone is different and there are many types of learning difficulties.

What assessment tool can diagnose more specific learning difficulties?

The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities is a comprehensive assessment tool that can diagnose specific learning difficulties through measuring various cognitive abilities such as memory, processing speed, and reasoning. It provides detailed information about an individual's strengths and weaknesses in learning.

Is learning disabilitie a signs of autism?

It could be; but not nessaserally, many people with autism (but by no means all) have learning disabilities, but if someone has learning difficulties but shows no Social Difficulties or any other autistic symptoms, then they most likely are not autistic.

What is the student's learning difficulties can be best addressed?

remedial teaching