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Q: What are special places connected to ares god of war?
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Who was Ares often connected to romantically?

Ares, the god of war, is often romantically connected to Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

What are the occupations of Ares the god of war?

Ares was the Greek god of war. His occupation is as a god. He is also the patron of some places, such as Rome.

What are Ares special skills?

Ares is a god and the Greeks would have seen him as omnipotent, meaning he didn't have "special skills". What he had was a love of combat.

What special power ares have?

Ares, greek god, is the God of War. He loves conflicts and he can lift items fifty-times bigger than him.

Did ares have any special abilities or powers?

Yes, obviously he is a god

What were Ares special powers of the god or goddess?

ares being the god of war loves conflict so much that he can even make his fellow gods and goddesses fight

Is ares a god or goddess?

Ares is male, therefore he is a considered a god.

What is Ares special skill?

Ares was the god of war. He is strong and violent.

How does Amazon connected with the greeks?

The Amazon were a tribe of warrior women born of Ares, god of War in Greek mythology.

Ares god of agriculture?

No! Ares God of War.

What was Ares a god or goddess of?

Ares IS the GOD of WAR

What did ares controls?

Ares wasn't a ruler. Ares was God of War and a coward.