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type of hemangioma .Spider angiomas. These are symptomless, reddish blue marks formed from blood-filled capillaries radiating around a central arteriole (small artery) in the shape of a spider web.

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Q: What are spider angiomas?
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What is the prognosis for spider angiomas?

These fade following childbirth and in children, but may recur. About 90% respond to sclerotherapy, electrodesiccation, or laser therapy

What is the prognosis for cherry angiomas?

Cherry angiomas. These are easily removed by electrodesiccation

What are cherry angiomas?

type of hemangioma.Cherry angiomas. These harmless, dilated capillaries appear as tiny, bright red-to-violet colored bumps

What is the prognosis for people with Sturge-Weber syndrome?

The prognosis for people with SWS is directly related to the amount of brain involvement for the leptomeningeal angiomas. For those individuals with smaller angiomas, prognosis is relatively good.

What are the symptoms of hemangiomas?

Hemangiomas first appear as.white or pale pink marks, ranging from 2-20 size. Some are symptomless while others cause pain or bleeding.Vision is affected by large marks on the eyelids. Spider and cherry angiomas are unsightly but symptomless.

What is a cherry angioma?

Cherry angioma Cherry angiomas (also known as "De Morgan spots," and "Senile angiomas"), are cherry red papules on the skin containing an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. They are the most common kind of angioma. They are also called senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, after the nineteenth-century British surgeon Campbell De Morgan who first noted and described them. The frequency of cherry angiomas increases with age. Characteristics Cherry angiomas are made up of clusters of tiny capillaries at the surface of the skin, forming a small round dome ("papule"), which may be flat topped. They range in colour from bright red to purple. When they first develop, they may be only a tenth of a millimeter in diameter and almost flat, appearing as small red dots. However, they then usually grow to about one or two millimeters across, and sometimes to a centimeter or more in diameter. As they grow larger, they tend to expand in thickness, and may take on the raised and rounded shape of a dome. Multiple adjoining angiomas are said to form a polypoid angioma. Because the blood vessels comprising an angioma are so close to the skin's surface, cherry angiomas may bleed profusely if they are injured. Cherry angiomas appear spontaneously in many people in middle age but can also, although less common, occur in young people. They can also occur in an aggressive eruptive manner in any age. The underlying cause for the development of cherry angiomas is far from understood, much because of a lack of interest in the subject. This is probably due to the fact that they very rarely are caused by an internal malignancy. Exposure to chemicals and compounds that have been seen to cause cherry angiomas are mustard gas, 2-butoxyethanol, bromides and cyclosporine. A correlation has been seen between cherry hemangiomas and activity of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase as well as a significant increase in the density of mast cells in cherry hemangiomas compared to normal skin. On the rare occasions that they require removal, traditionally cryosurgery or electrosurgery have been used. More recently pulsed dye laser or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment has also been used. In most patients, the number and size of cherry angiomas increases with advancing age. They are harmless, except in very rare cases that involve a sudden appearance of many angiomas, which can be a sign of a developing internal malignancy. Cherry angiomas occur in all races, all ethnic backgrounds, and both sexes.

What types of of spiders are there?

Barn spider, black widow spider, brown spider, cellar spider, cobweb spider, comb- footed spider, crab spider, dock spider, fishing spider, funnel web spider, ghost spider, ground spider, jumping spider, lynx spider, nursery spider, orb web spider, pirate spider, sac spider, spitting spider, tarantula, trapdoor spider, and wolf spider.

Is a marine spider an indoor spider or is it an outdoor spider?

it is an outdoor spider

Is a spider an indoor spider?

It depends on what species for example a tarantula is in indoor spider and a grass spider is an out door spider!

Which spider start with the letter s?

Sac spider Scorpion Tailed Spider St. Andrews Cross Spider Spitting Spider Stick Spider

Is a spider a species?

No, the spider is a "genus", a "money" spider is a species of spider hope this helps

Is a crab spider an indoor or outdoor spider?

The crab spider is definitely an outdoor spider!:)