

What are stakeholders?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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13y ago

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A stakeholder in a business is anyone that has an interest of some kind in the business.

In a school, some of the main stakeholders would be Pupils, Employees, the Government, the Local community. The pupils main interest is to get a good education, the employees would be interested in getting the best out of pupils and passing on knowledge. Things like traffic,litter an house prices may concern the local community so they would be interested in this as well as being interested in the benefits such as employment.

Stakeholders include:

Financers for a business would be interested in getting money back that they are owed with a good profit gained.

Customers in a business are interested in benefiting from services/goods.

Suppliers want to get a good price for their supplies but need to be at a competitive price to make customers buy from them. They want also to sell large quantities of stock with further orders.

The local Community are concerned with the way the business affects them. e.g traffic problems could occur.

Employees are interested in getting a good regular wage with job security.

Owners want to make a profit to get a good return on their investment.

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