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Q: What are striations and how are they useful for comparing bullets?
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What are striations how are they produced and how are they useful for comparing bullets?

When a bullet is pushed through a rifled barrel, the rifling (lines cut into the inside of the barrel in a spiral) makes scratch marks on the bullet. No two guns make the exact same scratches. It is possible to examine the scratch marks, on two bullets and see if they could have been fired from the same gun. This uses a device called a comparison microscope.

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bar graphs are useful for comparing data b/c you cn actually see what the difference is between them.

Are 38 bullets traceable?

Referring to groove impressions left on the bullet as it travels through the barrel (known as "striations")? Absolutely, just like any other projectile.

Can you trace a bullet back to its gun?

Yes, forensics experts can use a process called ballistics analysis to match a fired bullet to the gun that fired it. This involves examining unique markings left on the bullet by the barrel of the gun, such as striations or rifling marks. By comparing these markings with test-fired bullets from a suspected gun, investigators can determine if there is a match.

What is ballistics examination?

Comparing 2 bullets in a laboratory exam to see if they were fired by the same gun.

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How can comparing a map and a graph be useful?

it tells you data

What is useful for comparing amounts or quantities?

bar graph

Which is faster a plane or bullet?

It strictly depends on which two specific items you are comparing. Bullets travel various speeds, as do airplanes. Some bullets are faster than some planes, and some planes are faster than some bullets.

What is the definition text features?

it is the features that are useful to the reader. such as a textbox or bullets...

Do cardiac muscles have striations?

Yes they have Cross Striations

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A Mercator projection map would be useful for comparing the sizes of continents as it preserves the shapes of continents but distorts their sizes, making it easier to visually compare.