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i don't no :p

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Q: What are suffixes for the word accept?
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What are the suffixes for accept?

i don't no :p

How can make suitable suffixes to the word identify the parts word harm?

Suitable suffixes for the word harm:harmsharmingharmedharmlessharmlesslyharmfulharmfullyharmer

How many word patrs are in the word willingness such as prefixes suffixes and roots?

There is a root word with two suffixes

Is there an English word with three suffixes?

, this word with tree suffixes globalization (glob-al-iz-ation)

In Scrabble can you put suffixes?

In scrabble, suffixes connecting with a word (rushed) are legal, but suffixes by themselves are not allowed (just ed).

Are suffixes allowed in scrabble?

In scrabble, suffixes connecting with a word (rushed) are legal, but suffixes by themselves are not allowed (just ed).

What are pefixes and suffixes?

a prefixes is a group of letters that are fixed to the front of the root word. A suffixes is the main word for example dislike. dis is the prefixes and like is the suffixes

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What is the suffixes for the word adoption?


What are prefixes and suffixes for the word help?

prefixes for help: noneboth a prefix and a suffix for help:unhelpfulsuffixes for help:helperhelplesshelplessness (2 suffixes)helpfulhelpfulness (2 suffixes)helping

What does the word suffixes mean?

A suffix is a part of a word that goes at the end. Suffixes come from the Greek and Latin languages and usually tell tenses.

What is the root word of the word circumspect?

The root word of circumspect is "spect," which comes from the Latin word "spectare" meaning to look at or observe. The prefix "circum-" means around. So, circumspect means to look around carefully or to be cautious.