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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Known as adobe- pronounced ah-doh-bee

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βˆ™ 3y ago
I don’t no

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Soham Baidya

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βˆ™ 2y ago

Also known as adobe bricks or mud bricks

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Q: What are sun dried bricks used to make some American Indian homes?
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Where native American children taken from there homes?

Presuming you mean Were Native American children taken from their homes, the answer is yes. In the continual effort to break the Indian's spirit, children were stolen from their families and sent to schools to learn "how to be civilized." There they were beaten for speaking their own lanquages, forced to wear white man's clothing and had their hair cut. They were taught that being Indian was a bad thing. Later on, and up to the 1980's Indian children were stolen and then adopted (usually, unknowingly) by whites who thought they were adopting Indian orphans.

Which of these was an option for Native Americans as outlined in the Indian Removal Act?

give up their homes (apex)

Flat roofed a native American village with joined buildings?

Adobe homes

What did the American government do with the Native American populations after the army conquered them?

The Native Americans tried to defend their territory, but were not strong enough to protect themselves and their homes. They were either killed during the Indian Wars or moved to Indian Reservations. Even today many Native Americans still live on these Indian Reservations. The movement West displaced many Native Americans from their native homes. They were moved to Reservations that were often a long way from their native land. Not long after Congress herded the Native Americans onto Reservations, Congress enacted The Dawes Severalty Act (February 8, 1887) that deprived them of their legal status.

What type of dwelling was common among the people of the southwest?

The type of dwellings that were common among the people of the southwest were sun-dried mud brick called adobe.

Related questions

What are sun dried bricks used to make American Indian homes?


What sun dried bricks used to make some American Indian homes?

you in my asss

What is sun-dried bricks used to make some American Indian homes?

you in my asss

What is sun dried bricks used to make some American Indian homes?

you in my asss

What is the sun dried bricks used to make some American Indian homes?

I don't friggn know!!!!!!!!

What do you call sun dried bricks used to build Indian homes?

Those bricks are called adobe. (ah-doh-bee)

Sun dried bricks to make some American Indian homes?

Those are called adobes.

What is sun-dried bricks used to make some American Indians homes?

you in my asss

What is the sun dried bricks used to make homes by native Americans?

Sun-dried bricks made by Native Americans are known as adobe bricks. They are made by mixing clay-rich soil with water and straw, forming them into bricks, and then leaving them to dry in the sun. Adobe bricks are commonly used in Southwestern Native American architecture for homes and other structures.

Many Mexican homes are made of sun -dried bricks called what?

Adobe bricks.

What did the ancient egyptians build their homes out off?

Sun dried mud bricks

What did the plains use to build there homes?

They only had dirt they dried it and made bricks and made their homes , my Dad as a young man used to sell radios to the Indians they lived in their communities my grandmother taught school for the Indian children