

What are super conductors made of?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What are super conductors made of?
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Super cooled metals are good conductors because their super cooled properties allow them to conduct electric currents without resistance. This means no loss of energy.

Why do you call metals as poor conductors?

Metals are poor conductors as they offer resistance to the flow of electrons however super conductors offer less or no resistance

How do some metals become super conductors?

Some metals become a super conductor when you freeze them

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a high magnetic field

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Is there any real super conductors?

Yes,Mercury at 4kelvin is a super conductor it can be cooled down to that temperature.

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conductorCobalt is a metal. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

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What are examples of superconductors and semiconductors?

Semi Conductors: Silicon(Si) and Graphite Super-conductors: Copper,steel,Human beings and Earth itself. Thanks

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the conductors of roads