

What are swords used for now?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What are swords used for now?
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Related questions

Will you show pictures of swords used in different wars?

A person can find pictures of swords used in different wars by visiting a library. Many books on the Civil War will have pictures of swords.

Who used Cavalry Swords?

The cavalry.

Why do you use swords?

Usually swords would be used for personal or group battles against your opponent.

What swords did musketeers use?

They used rapiers (a heavier version of the foil or epee), and short swords or daggers.

Does anyone use swords anymore?

Fencing is a sport where swords, of a kind are used. Swords, as we generally think of them, are mainly ceremonial today though their variations are still used extensively in combat. Machetes, bayonets etc.

How did the vikings make their swords?

The Romans used swords because they didn't have Kalashnikovs, Uzi, or AK 47s. Swords were the weapon of the times and that's what the ancients used.

What are sargon's weapons?

he used swords and shields

How are Assyrian swords used?

not in present day

What weapons were used in the odyssey?

swords, spears

When did swords stop being used in the middl agethe middle ages?

Swords did not cease being used until long after the medieval period. Swords evolved and changed considerably, eventually becoming "hangers" worn by all civilian men as well as by soldiers. Swords were still being used in battle during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

What weapons did the crusaders use?

They used A variety of swords such as broad swords long swords and bastard swords (Huge long swords commonly used by cavalry) as well as morning stars and maces, morning stars are handles with chains attached with a mace head attached to the end of the chain. Also a variety of bows were used. Arrows were commonly lit so to burn buildings. An example of this is in the siege of Jerusalem which lasted some years.

What instruments are used in draw your swords?

Pencils or crayons.