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Q: What are symbolized on the weather map by thin lines where atm9spheic pressure is the same?
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What are symbolized on a weather map by bold lines and half circles?

Occluded front

What do the curving lines on the weather map show?

isobars lines of equal pressure

What are the lines in a weather map that connect points of equal air pressure?

On a weather map, the lines that connect points with equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.Iso = equalbar = pressure

Which of these are lines on a weather map that connect weather stations that have the same air pressure?


What is a line on a weather map called?

There are several different lines on a weather map. Lines with triangles leading out from them are referred to as cold fronts, while lines with semi-circles leading out from them are warm fronts. There are also lines on a weather map that are called isobars. They connect areas of equal barometric pressure.

What do the numbered lines on a weather map represent?

air pressure

What are lines on a weather map joining places that have the same air pressure?

Those lines are "isobars."

What do Meteorologists draw lines called blank on weather maps to connect locations with the same air pressure?

Meteorologists draw lines called isobars on weather maps to connect locations with the same air pressure. Wind blows from areas of high to low pressure.

Is it true that to keep track of pressure weather maps are drawn with lines connecting points of equal pressure?


What do the different lines on a weather map indicte?

Those lines are isobars. They indicate the line at which air is at that certain air pressure.

What do the curving lines on a weather map indicate?

Usually they are lines of iso-density - or equal pressure. Thus the closer they are, the harder the wind.

What are the lines between two pressure systems called?

Learning and remember weather related terms can be difficult. The lines between two pressure systems are usually called troughs or isobars.Ê