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The symtoms of appendix are one sided pain of causes a lot of problem in our daily can be cured during 5 spreads by infectious objects.

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Q: What are symptoms for your appendix?
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Will an apendix burst?

It can! But only if you don't get your appendix checked out right away. The symptoms of an ruptured appendix is vomiting constintly, fever, and the sweats.

Symptoms of ruptured appendix?

Usually a sharp pain in the lower right part of the abdomen.

What are the symptoms of a severe pain of an appendix?

Vomiting, dizziness, blood urination, noticeable increase in abdominable pain

How do you know if your appendix burst?

My family has had there appendix bursting alot now so i can answer this question. If your appendix bursts you can barely stand up straight and you puke alot and if you dont get it fixed it will make you have an infection cus the appendix holds the bateria and stuff so it will become infected and you will get really sick and it could event to fatal death.

If you are having sharp pains that start on the right and move to the center is that caused by your appendix?

It could be. That's one of the classic symptoms.

How do you prevent problems with your appendix?

There is no specific cause for problems with the appendix. Most people have no appendix trouble at all, while others have sudden onset of symptoms related to swelling or infection (appendicitis) without any discernible cause. However, solid fecal matter associated with insufficient dietary fiber occurs in many cases of appendicitis. Prolonged periods of constipation are often a precursor to problems with the appendix as well as the colon.

How do you know you need your appendix removed?

You experience symptoms such as pain in the stomache, Vomitting, A lot of gas, etc. If you think that you might need to have your appendix removed, u should most likely see a doctor even if you dont think you need it removed.

How many people die a year because of a ruptured appendix?

Around 1,000 people in the United States die each year due to a ruptured appendix. It is important to seek medical attention promptly if you are experiencing symptoms of appendicitis to prevent complications.

Where can one find information on why someone may have pain in their appendix?

There are many websites online where you can find information on pain in the appendix including explanation of symptoms. WebMd is the most popular and user friendly site but would still fully recommend attending your doctor.

Can crohns be confused with appendicitis?

Yes. Many Crohns sufferers prior to being diagnosed with the disease will have had a diagnosis of appendicitis and many patients will have that organ removed. Severe appendicitis has similar symptoms to a Crohns flare up.

What is a finger-like sac that has no known function in humans?

The appendix.

What is the Tagalog for appendix?

Tagalog for appendix: apendiks