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About half of people with gonorrhea do not have symptoms, especially men. Women might get a discharge. Some might experiencing a burning sensation when urinating.

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Q: What are symptoms of gonorrhea?
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What other disease can have the same symptoms as chlamydia?

Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis can have very similar symptoms.

What are some symptoms of gonorrhea?

Some of the symptoms of gonorrhea include feeling sick and also a red rash on various parts of the body. It can also mean the patient gets headaches from time to time.

What are some of the symptoms of gonorrhea?

Some symptoms of gonorrhea could be anal itching or bleeding, painful urination, genital itching, abnormal bleeding between periods, stomach pain, fever and swollen glands.

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Some men with gonorrhea may have no symptoms at all. However, common symptoms in men include a burning sensation when urinating, or a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis that usually appears 1 to 14 days after infection. Sometimes men with gonorrhea get painful or swollen testicles. Most women with gonorrhea do not have any symptoms. Even when a woman has symptoms, they are often mild and can be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection. The initial symptoms in women can include a painful or burning sensation when urinating, increased vaginal discharge, or vaginal bleeding between periods. Women with gonorrhea are at risk of developing serious complications from the infection, even if symptoms are not present or are mild.

What STD is similar to the symptoms of a UTI?

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes can all cause some of the same symptoms as UTI.

Does gonorrhea make your penis change colour?

No, gonorrhea does not typically cause a change in the color of the penis. The most common symptoms of gonorrhea in men include discharge from the penis, painful urination, and swollen testicles. If you are experiencing any concerning symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What disease is it when you pee it burn?

Most likely its gonorrhrea

What does bullheaded clap look like?

It looks like any other gonorrhea except it cannot be killed by any currently recommended treatments for gonorrhea. Males often have a painful discharge from the penis and have painful to urination. Females often have no symptoms but have still the same risk of damage.

What are the symptoms of cloudy urine?

Several things can cause cloudy urine including dehydration and a bladder infection. Other possible causes include gonorrhea and kidney stones.

When your boyfriend says he wants some clappers what does it mean?

"Clap: Gonorrhea, a bacterial infection transmitted by sexual contact. Gonorrhea is one of the oldest known STDs. In women infected with this bacteria (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), 25-40% will also be infected with another bacteria that can cause another STD called chlamydia. Gonorrhea is NOT transmitted from toilet seats. More than half of women infected with gonorrhea do not have any symptoms. If symptoms occur, they may include burning or frequent urination, yellowish vaginal discharge, redness and swelling of the genitals, and a burning or itching of the vaginal area. Untreated, gonorrhea can lead to severe pelvic infections." Medicinenet.comOr he wants to be able to turn the light on and off without getting up from the couch. Either way be cautious of this guy because he sounds like a wierdo.JD

Does your hands peel when you have gonorrhea?

That is not a typical symptom of gonorrhea. However, there are times that a STD may have minimal symptoms- at first. If you think you MAY have an STD, you need to see a health care professional that can test you for a REAL answer, and treat any problems while they are still minor. And learn something about "safe sex".

What is std test?

STD Testing is for testing specific sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis in men or from the cervix in women. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory. Screening is important, because if you don't have signs or symptoms, you can be unaware that you have either infection.