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Generally there are no symptoms at 2 weeks. Most people don't get symptoms until around 6 weeks. However you may have missed your period and it is possible that you could get a positive pregnancy test result, although it is a bit border line as to whether you would or not. Also, you may be getting headaches, feeling exhausted, feeling sick or actually being sick, having cravings or having aversions to certain foods/smells/colours

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Q: What are symptoms of pregnancy at 2 wks?
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they wont be accurate. wait at least 2 wks

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Assuming that your Dr. was correct you may be experiencing the psychosomatic symptoms of pregnancy, commonly referred to as "Hysterical Pregnancy". Please see your Dr and make sure that you are O.K. When you have a miscarriage it can take up to 2 months until the pregnancy symptoms goes away due to the hormones have not settled yet. It's normal.

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Because that's the original pregnancy time (40 wks) but most women only make it to 38 wks. So 40 wks is like the goal

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No, it is very safe. This is a common way of verifing early pregnancy.

If you don't have pregnancy symptoms could you be pregnant anyway?

Do not worry. Some women have the pleasure of not feeling any symptoms durning pregnancy and it is completely normal, but if you are very conserned, seek your doctor.

How long can a woman be pregnant and have no symptoms?

Not a lot of women are pregnant and experience no pregnancy symptoms. But I would say about 2 months into the pregnancy and beyond they should experience pregnancy symptoms and a LOT of women experience symptoms a few days after conception.

Do you have pregnancy symptoms after 2 weeks?

You can. Every woman is different on how their bodies react to pregnancy.

What is a timeline of pregnancy symptoms?

What is a timeline for pregnancy symptoms

How early can pregnancy symptoms occur?

1-2 weeks

What are the symptoms of 2 weeks pregnancy?

You'll be bloated is all.

When do women get symptoms of pregnancy?

2 weeks after conception at the earliest