

What are synonyms for involuntary contractions of muscles?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Fasiculations, twitches, contractures (if sustained), contractions, convulsions, seizures, myoclonus to name a few.

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Q: What are synonyms for involuntary contractions of muscles?
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Is visceral involuntary or involuntary?

They are involuntary muscles.

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Are your heart muscles voluntary or involuntary?

Heart muscles are involuntary.

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They are involuntary muscles.

Are smooth muscles involuntary muscles?

yes. The smooth muscles (e.g. in the digestive tract) are involuntary.

How are voluntary and involuntary muscles alike?

involuntary muscles can't control consciously, but voluntary muscles can.

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skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles.

What are examples of involuntary muscle movement?

heart, so cardiac muscle. Smooth muscle is also involuntary in the intestines.

Smooth muscles under involuntary control?

yes. Smooth muscles are another name for involuntary muscles.

What is involuntary action controlled by?

There are several actions made by involuntary muscles such as the pumping of the heart, the expanding and contracting of blood vessels moving blood throughout the body and shivering which are involuntary muscle contractions that created thermal energy to heat up the body when its cold.Digestion is one. Breathing is another.