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Some synonyms for deep ditches include:




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Q: What are synonyms of deep ditches?
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What does it mean to defend a position by fighting from the protection of deep ditches?

Basically, the soldiers would stay in the ditches, and shoot at any enemy troops that came in range of the ditch.

Which of the following is NOT associated with cold stress?

digging ditches in the middle of the summer in the deep South

Anchor ditches are cut at inches deep and at a degree angle?

18 to 24, 15 to 30

What is the synonyms for deep?


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Sea, gulf, main, deep

What are synonyms for ditch?

Words that mean about the same as ditches include culverts, trenches, gullies, channels, troughs, or canals.

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wide, large, extensive, deep

A style of fighting in which each side fights from deep ditches or trenches dug into the ground?

Trench Warfare... o-o

Why were the roads built with ditches?

Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.

What are synonyms for bowl?

crock, deep-dish, pot, saucer, vessel

What are synonyms for entrenched?

fixed, set, rooted, well-established, ingrained, deep-seated, deep-rooted, unshakable