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Q: What are te short term and long term effects of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster on the environment?
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Effects of the nuclear disaster on the environment?

See the report referenced below

What are the causes and effects on fukushima disaster?

ur gay

When did the Fukushima nuclear accident happen?

The Fukushima nuclear accident occurred on March 11, 2011, when a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, leading to a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Is nuclear radiation friend or foe?

Nuclear radiation can be both friend and foe. It is used in various medical applications, such as cancer treatment and diagnostic imaging. On the other hand, exposure to high levels of nuclear radiation can be harmful and have detrimental effects on human health and the environment, as seen in nuclear accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima.

What are the effects of a nuclear bomb on your physical environment?

A nuclear bomb can cause widespread destruction, including blast damage, heat damage, and radiation. The blast wave can level buildings and cause severe injuries, while the heat can start fires and cause burns. Radiation exposure can lead to acute sickness and long-term health effects, depending on the proximity to the explosion.

Effects of nuclear reactions on environment?

Provided the fission products are looked after carefully there is very little effect on the environment

What effects did the 2004 boxing day tsunami have on the environment?

it was a great disaster, there were debrics everywhere. people were rendered homeless, and some were widows and orphans.

What were the long term effects of the chernobyl disaster?

nuclear waste went everywhere and little wittle babies died :'(

What has the author C Y Kimura written?

C. Y. Kimura has written: 'Evaluation of external hazards to nuclear power plants in the United States' -- subject(s): Environmental aspects, Environmental aspects of Nuclear power plants, Natural disaster effects, Nuclear power plants

Effects of disaster?

Some of the effects that a disaster can bring is damage to property, agriculture, and livelihood. It can also lead to loss of life and can have sociological and psychological effects on people.

How does being in proximity to nuclear power generation affect my family's safety?

The presence of nuclear power plants may affect public health in many ways. Primarily, the release of radiation by nuclear power plants into the surrounding areas is known to have hazardous effects on public health. Nuclear power plants can also affect the health of the local environment and natural wildlife. Additionally Read more: Health Effects of Nuclear Power Plants |

What are the ethical effects of using nuclear energy?

A cleaner environment and lower fuel costs make the ethical concerns fairly easy to deal with.