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Ponyboy Curtis

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Randy Adderson

Tim Shepard

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Q: What are ten similes from the outsiders?
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What are similes for dally outsiders?

as stubborn as a mule

What are epic similes in book ten of the odyssey?

lines 449-461 of book ten.

What are 3 similes that aren't in The Outsiders?

Sleeping like a fish. You smell like manure. I hate you like I hate Swedes.

How do you spell the plural of simile?

The plural of simile is similes.

What do similes and methaphors do?

similes and metaphpor help u to answer in different way

What are some similes in the monkey's paw?

what are some similes and personification in the monkey's paw

How are similes and metaphors different?

All similes are metaphors but not all metaphors are similes.A metaphor is a comparison between two or more dissimilar things. Similes are too, however similes do so by making the comparison using the words like or as.

Are there any similes in unwind by Neal shusterman?

Yes, "Unwind" by Neal Shusterman contains similes to help create vivid and descriptive comparisons. One example is "your parents. It's like they're playing chess, and you're the pawn they sacrifice to win the game."

What were some unanswered questions in the outsiders?

—When did the Socs and the Greasers form? —How and why did the Socs and the Greasers form? —What did Dally do to get sent to jail at the age of ten?

What is the similes of as opposite as the?


Are similes and metaphors the same thing?

no because similes compare two things using like or as

Is there any similes in the book tiger rising?

yes there is similes in the book tiger rising.