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Q: What are th two types of digestive system?
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What is the best food for th digestive system?

A squash is the best food for that

How does th lion digestive system work?

They eat food and comes out of bum bum

What types of roots are there?

The n-th root (where n is a natural number) of a real number x is defined as x^(1/n).

Who uses the musculAR system?

All humans use th emuscular system for movement, maintaining posture, and protecting joints. The involuntary muscles have important roles in many other body systems, such as the digestive system.

What lies between th two largest system in north America?

the great plains

What are the subjects in th sentence there are five types of rhinoceroses?

The subject is "types."

What systems replaced the plantation system in th south?

Sharecropping and Tenant farming were two systems that replaced the plantation system in the south after the Civil War.

What two types of island are found in th Caribbean islands?

Coral and Skeletons of tiny sea animals or peaks of underwater mountains.

How differ westphalian system from mediaval system?


How does th bacteria reproduce in the digestive system?

Digestive bacteria reproduce by a process called Binary fission, which simply means one cell divided to become two cells, then those two cells become four, four become eight, etc the same way you do. Skin is the first line of defense and it work as physical barrier for all the microbes and particle. Skin has many secretory products which kill the bacteria also.

What are th 6 types of movable joints?

The 6 types of movable joints are:hingespinball and socketglideconvexconcave

What types of jobs did people do in th e1960's?
