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Q: What are theBeliefs or Practices that Influence Fertility Behaviour?
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What are the beliefs and practices of Filipinos that influence fertility behavior?

1.Having so lots of children because this can influence the fertility behavior. 2.Also Men and Women gets f*** in sex. 3.Those prostitute that they don't use pills..and others. 4.Family Planning. 5.And many more.Use your own knowledge.See? BELIEF AND PRACTICES INFLUENCING BEHAVIOR 1. Parenthood Means Fulfillment 2. Machismo 3. Perpetuation of Family Name 4. Competition of Parents 5. More Hands 6. Bigger Income 7. Insurance 8. Security 9. God's Blessing 10. Fatalism

How did the ideas of the Renaissance and reformation influence education theory and practice?

The ideas of the Renaissance emphasized humanism, critical thinking, and the value of education. This led to a shift towards a more liberal arts-based curriculum, focusing on subjects like literature, history, and philosophy. The Reformation brought about a focus on literacy and the importance of reading the Bible, leading to an increased emphasis on education for all, including the common people. Both movements contributed to a more individualized and experiential approach to learning, with an emphasis on cultivating well-rounded individuals.

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There are many things that influence health care beliefs and practices. The main ones are culture and religion in various communities.