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the most important organelles are



cell membrane


endoplasmic reticulum

golgi apparatus ( sorry bad speller but its right)



these are all i know so far but i will update it soon :)

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2d ago

The 16 most important organelles in a cell include the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, ribosomes, cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, vacuoles, chloroplasts (in plant cells), centrioles, cilia, flagella, vesicles, and endosomes. Each organelle has specific functions that are essential for the cell's survival and proper functioning.

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Yes they are organelles. They are in every cells.

Is the mitochondria the most important organelle in the body cell?

Mitochondria are certainly important but so are other organelles like ribosomes, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, etc. It all depends on what the cells primary function is. For any one individual cell, the mitochondria probably gives way to the nucleus as it has the instructions on how to create any other organelles. However the cell would not be able to function if any of the organelles are missing.

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animal cells are Eukaryotic cells, so they have a true nucleus, and organelles such as mitochondaria, Golgi apparatus, Endoplasmic reticulum, cell membrane, ribosomes, vesicles, lysosomes and obviously the nucleus. That's most of them i think, the most important anyway

Where are organelles digested?

Probably lysosomes fuse and digest most organelles.

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When methylene blue stains a tomato cell, it stains both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the eukaryotic cells. These are the most important organelles of a plant.?æ

What stage in the cell cycle performs the most important roles?

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Does fruit have organelles?

Simply speaking, each and every cell in the body has organelles, even if you are just talking about the most important one -- the nucleus. There are chromoplasts and ribosomes and all kinds of miniature organs keeping the fruit cells working.

Why is it important for photosynthesis to happen inside organelles with internal membranes?

This is important for maximum efficiency.