

What are the 2 mnemonics for Redox?

Updated: 6/2/2024
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10y ago

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The 2 mnemonics for Redox reactions are "Leo says Ger" and "Oil Rig." Leo is loss of electron (oxidation) while ger is gain of electron (reduction). Oil is oxidation is loss and rig is reduction is gain.

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5d ago

The two mnemonics for redox reactions are "LEO says GER" (Loss of Electrons is Oxidation, Gain of Electrons is Reduction) and "OIL RIG" (Oxidation is Loss, Reduction is Gain). Both are helpful in remembering the processes involved in redox reactions.

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Is iodometric titration and redox titration is same?

Iodometric titration is a type of redox titration where iodine is used as the titrant. Redox titration is a broader category that encompasses any titration based on a redox reaction, not necessarily involving iodine. So while iodometric titration is a type of redox titration, not all redox titrations involve iodine.

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Yes, it is a redox reaction. In this reaction, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is being reduced to dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4), which involves a change in the oxidation states of nitrogen from +4 to +2.

What is Relationship between redox-potential and free energy?

The relationship between redox potential and free energy is that redox potential is a measure of the tendency of a molecule to lose or gain electrons, which relates to the change in free energy associated with the redox reaction. A more positive redox potential indicates a greater tendency to lose electrons and a more negative redox potential indicates a greater tendency to gain electrons, reflecting the spontaneity of the redox reaction and the associated change in free energy.

What is a redox reaction Give an example?

A redox (oxidation-reduction) reaction involves the transfer of electrons between reactants. For example, the reaction between iron (Fe) and oxygen (O2) to form iron oxide (Fe2O3) is a redox reaction. In this reaction, iron atoms lose electrons (oxidation) while oxygen atoms gain electrons (reduction).

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