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Limestone, diatomaceous earth, and gypsumare the principal materials used to make cement. Limestone for the CaO, diatomaceous earth as a source of finely-divided (i.e. chemically active) silica, and gypsum as a source of calcium sulphate. After firing, these materials are quite chemically active; in the presence of water; and make several complex chemicals in the setting process.

The crystals resulting from the setting are what give the resultant concrete its strength, and since these crystals take some time to form, concrete only approaches its final strength after several weeks. It is a stronger material if kept moist during this period. Excessive water however, weakens the concrete by forming voids as it evaporates. The strongest concrete mixes, such as needed for making concrete pipes, resemble merely damp gravel mix.

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Q: What are the 2 raw materials used to make cement?
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What raw matrials are used to make mortar?

Mortar is made from sand, a cement such as Portland Cement or Lime, and water.

What are the raw materials used to make ammonia?

nitrogen and hydrogen reacted over an iron catalyst

What is cement made of?

Cement is made up of,Calcareous materials (Limestone)Argillaceous materials (clay)GypsumPozzolanic materials (flyash, pumicite.etc.,)Generally cement is made up of,Argillaceous material (clay)Calcareous material (limestone)GypsumPozzolanic materialsCement is a mixture of elements such as clay, limestone, sand and it's a powdery, fine and soft substance. It is mixed with water and become a solid mass called concrete.Cement is made mostly of a mixture of elements that are found in natural materials such as limestone, clay, sand and/or shale. The cement used in most concrete is called "Portland cement" and consists of finely powdered rock made from limestone, which includes calcium silicates, calcium oxide, and calcium sulfate.Limestone, Clay, Sand, Stone or other Aggregates.calcareous rocks(limestone)argillaceous rocks(clay)coal dustgypsumpozzolanic materialsiron oremagnesiumalkaliesRaw MaterialsIt's important to have the correct proportions of calcium, silicon, aluminum, and iron. To achieve this mix the overall chemical composition and structure of the individual raw ingredients can vary. The most common two materials are limestone and clay with other industrial byproducts added (These may not be strictly "raw" materials). All the materials are crushed to a fine powder, put in a mixer, then into a kiln to make cement power.The raw materials required for cement are, Calcareous materials (limestone) Argillaceous materials (clay) Gypsum Pozzolanic materials like fly ash, volcanic ash, pumicite.the main ones are limestone and shale. Gypsum is also used to make the cement set more slowly.Cement is mainly made from limestone (ordinary portland cement (OPC)) with other additive such as gypsum. It can also be made from blast furnace slag or fly ash from power stations with the addition of some limestone.

Is coal a raw material?

Yes coal is a raw material. Raw materials are materials as they are found, and unchanged by a process. Coal is mined, but is used in the same form as it is dug up. Nothing needs to be done to the coal to make it useful, other than transporting it.

What raw materials are used in the processing of coal?
