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Voyager 2 and Voyager 10

There isn't a Voyager 10. You probably meant Pioneer 10.

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Q: What are the 2 space vehicles that have traveled further in the solar system?
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The greatest inaccuracy in Copernicus' model of the solar system was that the planets?

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Is there a planet further away than Pluto?

There are many planets further away from Pluto but they do not orbit the sun so they are not part of our solar system. There are also many stars that are further away from Pluto.

Is god nowhere?

God is in Heaven. da! Heaven is not in our Galaxy not even in our Solar System, and men have only traveled as far as our Moon! god is not nowhere, he is in Heaven. But some people think he is nowhere because no one has seen Him. This is because we have traveled out of our Solar System!

What is the further planet from the sun?

All of them.

What happens to the amount of solar energy that planets receive from the sun as you get further out into the solar system?

It reduces with increasing distance.

How has the iss contributed to our understanding of the solar system?

The mission of the ISS was to understand how mankind could live in space, not necessarily to further understand the solar system.

How many times has the solar system traveled around the galaxy?

It takes about 225 million years for the solar system to travel once around the Galaxy. Th solar system is about 4.6 thousand million years old. So a rough estimate would be 20 times.

Is gliese in your solar system?

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Are stars part if the solar system?

No, the solar system is centred on one star, our star called the Sun. The next nearest star is about 9000 times further away than Neptune.

Are solar vehicles better than gas vehicles?

Gas vehicles use oil to create fuel and solar vehicles use sun energy or wind energy to create fuel. The correct answers is yes, solar vehicles are better than gas vehicles!