

What are the 3 factors that affect personality?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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- Heredity

- Environment

- Situation

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Q: What are the 3 factors that affect personality?
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What are the four main factors that affect personality and their meaning?

There are two main factors that affect personality. Genetics and environment.Of the two, environment is the major force.

What are the factors affecting personality differences?

THE 3 FACTORS AFFECTING Individual DIFFERENCES ARE THE FF:1. Physiological Factors2. Cultural influences3. Interaction between biological and social Factors

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factors affecting rizals personality are heredity and environment

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Environment and Nutrition are two factors that affect our traits. The foods we eat affect our traits. Also, one of our traits is our personality. So, the environment is a factor of our personality. Hope this helped! :)

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it is promote to affect personality if you are kind and never unhonest to the person who are guiding you. .. paki click ang improve hehe ...

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Several factors can affect reflexes, including the speed of stimulus, strength of stimulus, health status of the individual, and the age of the individual. Additionally, fatigue, stress, and certain medications can also impact reflexes.

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personality traits teachers support emotional stability

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There are many factors that affect consumer behavior. Some of those factors are age, lifestyle, attitudes, beliefs, values, and personality.

What can influence traits?

Environment and Nutrition are two factors that affect our traits. The foods we eat affect our traits. Also, one of our traits is our personality. So, the environment is a factor of our personality. Hope this helped! :)

What factors affect the management of time and energy?

Time and energy management depends on different factors. These factors include the personality and discipline of the individual or organization, as the tasks at hand.

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The Factors that Affect the Effectiveness of Oral communication are:1.Personality 2.Economic Condition 3.Educational Background 4.religious Beliefs 5.Social Status 6.Political Persuasion

Does my blood type affect my personality?

No. Your blood type does not affect your personality. This is a myth. The falacy is that type O people are easy going, but that is not true. I know a lot of type O people who are intense, reclusive, and etc. types of personalities. Personality is determined by biological factors such as hormones present at birth and brain neurology as well as adapted by environmental factors.