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Cell walls are only found in plant cells. It is made out of a non-living-cellulose (cellulose is found in celery). The cell wall also gives protection to the cell membrane and the cell in general. it protects the cell from being shapeless. also the cell wall protects the cell from getting viruses.

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Q: What are the 3 main type of cell organisms?
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What are the 3 main parts of a cell?

The three main parts of the cell are the cell membrane (surrounds and protects the cell), the cytoplasm (the liquid inside the cell), and the nucleus (control center of the cell).

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What characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms is?

there are five criteria for classification of organisms into kingdoms. they are, 1.cell type (Prokaryote/eukaryote) 2.cell wall (cellulosic/noncellulosic/present/notpresent) 3.nuclear membrane(present/absent) 4.body organisation(cellular/multicellular/tissue/organ/organ system) 5.mode of nutrition(autotrophic/heterotrophic)