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There are four well known macromolecules: proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), and lipids.

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13y ago

Carbohydrates,Proteins and Nucleic acids

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Q: What are the 3 major biomolecules?
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What do the four biomolecules have in common?

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and Nucleic acids have a major similar element, which contain a Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxyge.

How can corn and milk be composed of the same biomolecules?

Because biomolecules can be rearranged to make a different substance.

DNA RNA and starch What do these three important biomolecules have in common?

They are all organic compounds, called biomolecules.

What is the purpose of water in biomolecules?

so animals can live. without water animals can't live. Animals live in biomolecules

What is the basic building block of all of the Living Organism's biomolecules?

An "Atom" is the basic building block of all molecules [first] and [then] biomolecules.

What is the largest biomolecule?

Proteins are the largest biomolecules from the other 3 polymers. Remember Proteins are a "Macromolecule" structure made from smaller biomolecules of amino acids. But essentially your answer is proteins.

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catalysts, proteins

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it is gathered from the biomolecules and molecule

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Which biomolecules are Y shaped?

Antibodies or immunoglobulin