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1. Rationality in decision-making.

2. Effective MIS produces timely, accurate, clear, non-redundant and valid information.

3. Quality in decisions.

4. Controls are properly assured.

5. Management is motivated to use MIS.

6. Management should be involved in design of MIS.

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Q: What are the 4 effectiveness criteria of an MIS?
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What are the components of MIS?

Components of MIS:- 1) Marketing Research System (MRS) 2) Marketing Intelligence System (MIS) 3) Internal Recoed System (IRS) 4) Dission Support System (DSS)

Explain the link between MIS and BPR?

Any exercise towards building design of the management information system will be preceded by an exercise of business process re-engineering. Building the MIS is a long-term project. It is, therefore, essential to have a relook at the organisation where the mission and goals of the organisation are likely to be replaced. The business itself would undergo a qualitative change in terms of the business focus, work culture and style and the value system. This would change the platform of business calling for a different MIS. The MIS will concentrate more on the performance parameter evaluation which is different in the re-engineered organisation. The data capture, processing, analysis and report­ing would be process central and performance efficiency would be evaluated in relation to the value generated by the processes. The decision support systems will be integrated in the business process itself, where triggers are used to move the process. The triggers could be business rules and stored procedures, enabling the process to become automotive in its execution. The MIS in the re-engineered organisation would be more of a performance monitoring tool to start with and then a control for the performance. The traditional MIS is function-centered like finance, production, material, etc. The Manage­ment Information System in a re-engineered organisation would be process centred, evaluating customer satisfaction, expectations and perceptions. The role of Management Information System will be raised to a level where the following activities would be viewed for the management action: · Control of process cycle time · Work group efficiency · Customer satisfaction index · Process efficiency and effectiveness · Effectiveness of the Management in enterprise management and not in enterprise resource · The strength of the organisation in terms of knowledge, learning and strategic effectiveness The traditional role of the MIS as a decision supporter will continue, however.

What is balanced mis?

From management point of view the balanced MIS is an approach to performance measurement that combines traditional financial measures with non-financial measures to provide managers with richer and more relevant information about activities they are managing.

Explain modules and modularization criteria in software engineering?

What is the Modularization Criteria

What is omtimize?

"omtimize" is the mis-spelling of "optimize".

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Objective criteria refers to measurable standards or factors that are impartial and easily verifiable. These criteria are not influenced by personal opinions or biases, and are used to evaluate effectiveness, performance, or quality in an unbiased manner.

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C. J. Wessel has written: 'Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of library operations and services'

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Quiero mis quinces - 2008 Alina 8-4 was released on: USA: 4 June 2012

The meaning of criteria?

Criteria refers to the standards or requirements used to evaluate or assess something. It represents the specific factors or characteristics against which a decision or judgment is made. Criteria can vary depending on the context or purpose, but they are typically used to determine the quality, suitability, or effectiveness of something.

What does the word criteria mean in terms of writing?

In terms of writing, criteria refers to the standards or guidelines that are used to evaluate or judge the quality, effectiveness, or suitability of a piece of writing. These criteria could include aspects like grammar, organization, clarity, evidence, and relevance to the topic.

How Explain the criteria?

Criteria are specific standards or requirements used to evaluate or assess something, such as a project, product, or performance. Criteria help provide clear guidelines for decision-making and measuring success. They are often used to determine the quality, effectiveness, or suitability of something based on predefined factors.

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