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For one, there are NOT 4 there are 3. tose 3 are: solid, liquid, and gas.

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Q: What are the 4 phase changes between states of matter?
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What state of matter does not change in volume?

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What phase changes can matter on earth undergo?

When matter is acted upon by force or temperature, it can move between all the states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

What is it called to change states of matter?

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What are the phase changes of matter?

The melting phase changes are Solid~Liquid~Gas and the freezing phase changes are Gas~Liquid~Solid

What are the changes of phase in matter?

Solid, liquid, or gas.

The strongest attraction between particles exists in which of these states of matter?

This is a solid.

What are the change of matter?

The melting phase changes are Solid~Liquid~Gas and the freezing phase changes are Gas~Liquid~Solid

Why does matter undergo changes?

it undergoes change, cause these changes may be temporary and easily reversible or may permanent and very difficult to reverse.

What is it called when the three states change?

changes of state are called phase changes.

How does matter physically change when it changes its phase or state?

Its motion changes speed on the molecular level

What properties do not change when matter changes state?

During phase changes the temperature of a substance does not change.

When matter changes from one state to onother what is it called?

A phase transition.