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They are Mercury, Venuse, Earth and Mars: together these comprise the inner planet or terrestrial planets.

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Q: What are the 4 planets that all have rocky surfaces are referred to as what planets?
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Do all the inner planets have rocky surfaces?

Yes. They are the terrestrial planets.

Do all terrestrial planets have rocky surfaces?


What do all of the terrestrial planets have in common?

They all have solid, rocky surfaces.

What do all of the inner planets have in common?

They are all compact objects with rocky, accessible surfaces.

What are the properties for the solar system's planets?

the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) all have rocky solid surfaces. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) all have gaseous atmospheres and liquid surfaces. Pluto is very dense and has a rocky surface.

Do all inner planets have rocky surfaces?

Yes. The Earth has a lot of water too, of course.

Why are the surfaces of the inner planets rocky and solid yet the surfaces of the outer planets are gasous with icy centers?

There is no particular reason why the outer planets are gas and the inner planets are rock, but the outer planets have icy cores because they are all far away from the sun.

Which inner planets have rocky surfaces?

All of them. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Which solar systems have solid and rocky surfaces?

Although itis not known totally, but most if not all solar systems will contain rocky planets and planetesimals.

What is the same about Earth Venus and Mercury?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are all terrestrial planets, meaning they have solid, rocky surfaces.

Why are the inner planets known as the rocky planets?

they are rocky and have terrain areas the rest of the planets are all gas

Do planets have craters?

All planets with solid surfaces have craters.