

What are the 5 balleen whales?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are the 5 balleen whales?
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What do balleen whales usully eat?


What is the main difference between the two groups of whales?

Their teeth. Baleen whales such as humpbacks have brush-like baleens to filter plankton, and toothed whales like dolphins and killer whales (but also the sperm whale) have teeth to catch fish.

What part of a whale is called balleen?

Baleen whales have a baleen instead of teeth. They are like toothbrushes, bristly on the inside, and can be several feet long. Baleen whales use their baleen to eat food.

Do humpback whales eat with other whales?

No, humpback whales only eat plankton and occasionally small fish. They have baleen instead of teeth so they wouldn't be able to bite at the whale shark. Whale sharks also eat plankton and sometimes small fish.

How do blue whales food?

Blue whales are Krill eaters. Krill are tiny creatures. The blue whale brings in a large amount of Krill along with water, then they close a filter called their balleen and push the water out, leaving the Krill in their mouth. Then they swallow.

What is the purpose of Baleen?

Baleen whales eat krill, zooplankton and small fish swarming in large schools. Because baleen whales have no teeth, they are believed to uses their enormous tongue to move food trapped inside the baleen, to squeeze water out of the mouth, and to assist the action of swallowing.

Is krill a spiritually unclean animal?

Krill is not kosher. Maritime creatures needs fins and scales to be considered kosher. However as Krill are mostly eaten by Balleen whales and Sharks this question is perhaps not that important.

What is the difference between a blue whale and a humpback whale?

First off Killer whales are odontocetes, or toothed whales, meaning literally "whales that have teeth", where as the blue whale and the humpback whale are balleen whales, instead of teeth, they have long rough strands of balleen in their mouth, made out of the same material as a human fingernail. Killer whales may get up to 25 feet long and weigh up to 12,000 pounds of more, males are usually larger than females. Humpback whales can get up to 60 feet long and weigh up to 83,000 pounds, females are usually larger. Blue Whales are the largest animals to have ever lived, even larger than the largest dinosaurs, they average 90-100 feet in length, and can weigh up to 400,000 pounds! Seeing as how both the Blue Whale and Humback Whales are Balleen whales, they feed primarily on microscopic organisms such as krill and plankton. Killer whales, depending on the population they belong to, will eat Salmom, Herring, Sharks, Birds, Seals, SeaLions, Turtles, Stingrays, and even other Whales and dolphins.

How much does a sperm whales head weigh?

a sperm whales head ways about 5 tons (tonnes)

What are the top 5 predators of the Atlantic ocean?

Humans/great white sharks/Killer whales/Manatee/Whales

How big are orca whales?

about 5 to 9 meters

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PenguinesPolar BearsSealesFishKiller Whales